ChangelogMerge data from different events on-the-fly with Borrowed Properties

Introducing Borrowed Properties, where you can ‘borrow’ a property from another event on-the-fly and leverage it for analysis as though you’ve tracked it all along. No re-tracking or complicated joins required.

Here’s some scenarios where Borrowed Properties makes life a whole lot easier:

Merging data from client-side to server-side

  • Scenario: You want to understand which restaurant category leads to the most confirmed purchases.
    • “Order placed” is a client-side event that has a property called restaurant category.
    • “Transaction completed” is the server-side event of interest that you’d like to break down by restaurant category.
  • Solution: Borrow the restaurant category property from “Order placed” onto “Transaction completed” and poof! It’s like “Transaction completed” always had the restaurant category property.

Analyzing across two different teams

  • Scenario: One team created a “Speed Mode” feature that runs the app faster. There’s a “Speed Mode” event with the property Speed Mode Enabled.
    • Another team wants to know how Speed Mode impacts how many pages are viewed. But the “Page View” event doesn’t have the Speed Mode Enabled property.
  • Solution: Borrow the Speed Mode Enabled property onto “Page View” and teams can instantly understand how page views differed when Speed Mode was turned on.

All these use cases, without engineers needing to retrack data or develop complicated workarounds.

Borrowed Properties is available for customers on Growth & Enterprise plans. For more information, check out our help docs.

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